List of Famous people with last name Cannavaro

Fabio Cannavaro

First Name Fabio
Last Name Cannavaro
Born on September 13, 1973 (age 50)
Born in Italy, Campania
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Fabio Cannavaro is an Italian former professional footballer and current manager of Chinese club Guangzhou. A centre-back, he spent the majority of his career in Italy. He started his career at Napoli before spending seven years at Parma, with whom he won two Coppa Italia titles, the 1999 Supercoppa Italiana, and the 1999 UEFA Cup. After spells at Internazionale and Juventus, he transferred from Juventus to Real Madrid in 2006, with whom he won consecutive La Liga titles in 2007 and 2008. After returning to Juventus for one season in 2009–10, he joined Al-Ahli in Dubai, where he retired from football in 2011 after an injury-troubled season.

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Paolo Cannavaro

First Name Paolo
Last Name Cannavaro
Born on June 26, 1981 (age 43)
Born in Italy, Campania
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Paolo Cannavaro is an Italian retired professional footballer who played as a defender. After beginning his career with Napoli, he moved to Parma in 1999, where he played alongside his older brother Fabio. Paolo remained with the club for seven seasons, aside from a loan spell with Verona during the 2001–02 season, helping the club reach the semi-finals of the UEFA Cup in 2005. In 2006, he returned to Napoli, where he was eventually named the club's captain, and contributed to the club's resurgence: he helped the team to earn promotion to Serie A in his first season, and subsequently aided his side to qualify for the UEFA Cup in 2008, earn a spot in the Champions League in 2011, and win the Coppa Italia in 2012, the club's first title in over 20 years. After eight seasons with Napoli, he moved to Sassuolo in 2014, where he remained until his retirement in 2017. Following the conclusion of his professional football career, he joined his brother at Guangzhou Evergrande as a member of the team's coaching staff.

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