List of Famous people with last name Buitrago

Guillermo Buitrago

First Name Guillermo
Last Name Buitrago
Born on April 1, 1920
Died on April 19, 1949 (aged 29)

Guillermo de Jesús Buitrago Henríquez, known as Guillermo Buitrago was a Colombian composer and songwriter of vallenato music. He is one of the most successful composers in his country. His songs became part of the typical music played during Christmas time in Colombia. Some of his hits are La Víspera de Año Nuevo, Grito Vagabundo, Ron de Vinola and Dame tu mujer José.

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Daniel Buitrago

First Name Daniel
Last Name Buitrago
Born on February 27, 1991 (age 33)
Height 177 cm | 5'10

Daniel Esteban Buitrago Tamayo, or simply Daniel Buitrago, is a Colombian professional football player. Currently, he plays for Atlético Venezuela.

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Alejandra Buitrago

First Name Alejandra
Born on October 9, 1987 (age 37)
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