List of Famous people with last name Brzeg

Louis I of Brzeg

First Name Louis
Last Name Brzeg
Born on November 30, 1309
Died on November 30, 1398 (aged 89)

Louis I the Fair, also known as the Wise or the Right or Louis I of Brzeg, a member of the Silesian Piasts, was a Silesian duke of Legnica from 1342 to 1346 and of Brzeg from 1358 until his death. Also, he was regent of Legnica during 1364–1373.

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Henry VII of Brzeg

First Name Henry
Last Name Brzeg
Born on January 1, 1344
Died on July 11, 1399 (aged 55)

Henry VII with a Scar also known as the Courageous or of Brzeg, was a Duke of Brzeg (Brieg) since 1361 and ruler of Niemcza since 1395.

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Margaret of Brzeg

First Name Margaret
Last Name Brzeg
Died on November 30, 1408
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Don't know him/her
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