List of Famous people with last name Bogart

Humphrey Bogart

Humphrey DeForest Bogart
First Name Humphrey
Last Name Bogart
Born on December 25, 1899
Died on January 14, 1957 (aged 57)
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Humphrey DeForest Bogart was an American film and stage actor. His performances in Classical Hollywood cinema films made him an American cultural icon. In 1999, the American Film Institute selected Bogart as the greatest male star of classic American cinema.

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E. Kidd Bogart

First Name E.
Last Name Bogart
Born on January 23, 1978 (age 47)

Evan Bogart, better known as E. Kidd Bogart, is an American songwriter, music publisher, record executive and television producer. He is the son of Casablanca Records founder Neil Bogart and former music manager Joyce Trabulus. Bogart's music has been nominated for three Grammy Awards, winning one.

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Stephen Humphrey Bogart

First Name Stephen
Last Name Bogart
Born on January 6, 1949 (age 76)

Stephen Humphrey Bogart is an American writer, producer, and businessman. He is the only son of actor Humphrey Bogart. He hosted the festival celebrating the 70th and 75th anniversary of the film Casablanca in 2012 and 2017. His books are Bogart: In Search of My Father, Play it Again, and The Remake: As Time Goes By.

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