List of Famous people with last name Bibb

Leslie Bibb

First Name Leslie
Last Name Bibb
Born on November 17, 1974 (age 49)
Height 174 cm | 5'9

Leslie Louise Bibb is an American actress and model. Bibb transitioned into film and television during the late 1990s, first appearing on television in 1996 with minor roles in a few television series, while first appearing on film in 1997 with a small role in Private Parts. She scored her first recurring role in the TV show The Big Easy (1997), before her role as Brooke McQueen on the WB Network dramedy series Popular brought her to the attention of a wider audience; she received a Teen Choice Award for Television Choice Actress for the role. She has also appeared in the Marvel Cinematic Universe as Christine Everhart in the films Iron Man and Iron Man 2, with the character reappearing in several viral marketing campaigns as the host of the fictional WHIH Newsfront.

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Justin Bibb

First Name Justin
Last Name Bibb
Born on April 26, 1987 (age 37)

Justin Bibb is an American nonprofit leader, executive and politician who is the Mayor-elect of Cleveland. He is the Co-Chair of Teach for America – Ohio, and Board member for Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, Destination Cleveland, and LAND Studio.

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Eric Bibb

First Name Eric
Last Name Bibb
Born on August 16, 1951 (age 72)

Eric Charles Bibb is an American-born blues singer and songwriter.

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