List of Famous people with last name Berardinelli

Cleonice Berardinelli

First Name Cleonice
Born on August 28, 1916 (age 108)

Cleonice Serôa da Motta Berardinelli is a Brazilian academic.

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James Berardinelli

First Name James
Last Name Berardinelli
Born on September 25, 1967 (age 57)

James Berardinelli is an American film critic and former engineer. His criticism is based on the Web, where he produces the blog ReelThoughts. Approved as a critic by the aggregator Rotten Tomatoes, he has published two collections of reviews of movies on DVD and video. He is also known as a fantasy novelist, publishing a trilogy from 2015 through 2016 known as The Last Whisper of the Gods.

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