List of Famous people with last name Barnewall

Charles Barnewall

First Name Charles
Last Name Barnewall
Died on May 2, 1873
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Don't know him/her

John Barnewall

First Name John
Last Name Barnewall
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her

Elizabeth Barnewall

First Name Elizabeth
Last Name Barnewall
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Don't know him/her

Mary Barnewall

First Name Mary
Last Name Barnewall
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her

John Barnewall

First Name John
Last Name Barnewall
Born on January 1, 1672
Died on April 7, 1746 (aged 74)
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Don't know him/her

Mary Barnewall

First Name Mary
Last Name Barnewall
Died on November 30, 1725
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Don't know him/her

Elinor Barnewall

First Name Elinor
Last Name Barnewall
Died on October 12, 1628
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her

Robert Barnewall

First Name Robert
Last Name Barnewall
Died on December 6, 1779
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her

John Barnewall

First Name John
Last Name Barnewall
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her

Mabel Barnewall

First Name Mabel
Last Name Barnewall
Died on January 31, 1699
Know him/her \
Don't know him/her
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