List of Famous people with last name Barbey

Bruno Barbey

First Name Bruno
Last Name Barbey
Born on February 13, 1941
Died on November 9, 2020 (aged 79)

Bruno Barbey was a Moroccan-born French photographer. Throughout his four-decade career he traveled across five continents, photographing many wars.

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Michel Barbey

First Name Michel
Last Name Barbey
Born on April 23, 1927 (age 97)
Born in France, Normandy

Michel Barbey (1927-) is a French stage, film, and television actor known for his comic roles. He starred in the 1950 film Dominique.

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Mary Lorillard Barbey

First Name Mary
Last Name Barbey
Born on April 17, 1841
Died on April 10, 1926 (aged 84)

Mary Lorillard Barbey was a prominent American member of New York Society during the Gilded Age. She was a daughter of Pierre Lorillard III of the Lorillard Tobacco Company.

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Mary Lorillard Barbey

First Name Mary
Last Name Barbey
Born on April 17, 1841
Died on April 10, 1926 (aged 84)

Mary Lorillard Barbey was a prominent American member of New York Society during the Gilded Age. She was a daughter of Pierre Lorillard III of the Lorillard Tobacco Company.

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Henry Isaac Barbey

First Name Henry
Last Name Barbey
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Marguerita Barbey

First Name Marguerita
Died on October 16, 1955
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Valdo Barbey

First Name Valdo
Born on November 1, 1880
Died on December 5, 1964 (aged 84)
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William Barbey

First Name William
Last Name Barbey
Born on July 14, 1842
Died on November 18, 1914 (aged 72)

William Barbey (1842–1914) was a Swiss botanist and politician.

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Ethel Barbey

First Name Ethel
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Eva Barbey

First Name Eva
Last Name Barbey
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