List of Famous people with last name Bandopadhyay

Haradhan Bandopadhyay

First Name Haradhan
Born on November 6, 1926
Died on January 5, 2013 (aged 86)

Haradhan Bandopadhyay was a Bengali Indian male actor of television and films. He made his debut in the 1948 Bengali film Devdut, directed by Atanu Bandopadhyay. He worked with some of the most prominent directors of Bengali cinema, like Satyajit Ray and Mrinal Sen.

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Asit Bandopadhyay

First Name Asit
Born on November 30, 1935
Died on September 18, 2020 (aged 84)

Asit Bandopadhyay was a Bengali dramatist, screenwriter and actor. He was associated with the Nandikar theater group. He lived and worked in Kolkata, India.

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