List of Famous people with last name Ballenstedt

Adalbert II, Count of Ballenstedt

First Name Adalbert
Last Name Ballenstedt
Born on January 1, 1030
Died on January 1, 1080 (aged 50)

Adalbert II of Ballenstedt, an early member of the House of Ascania, was Graf (count) in Saxony and Vogt of Nienburg Abbey.

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Uta von Ballenstedt

First Name Uta
Born on January 1, 1000
Died on October 23, 1046 (aged 46)

Uta von Ballenstedt, a member of the House of Ascania, was Margravine of Meissen from 1038 until 1046, the wife of Margrave Eckard II. She is also called Uta of Naumburg as the subject of a famous donor portrait by the Naumburg Master.

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Otto, Count of Ballenstedt

First Name Otto,
Last Name Ballenstedt
Born on January 1, 1070
Died on February 9, 1123 (aged 53)

Otto, Count of Ballenstedt, called Otto the Rich, was the first Ascanian prince to call himself count of Anhalt, and was also briefly named duke of Saxony. He was the father of Albert the Bear, who later conquered Brandenburg from the Slavs and called himself its first margrave.

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Siegfried of Ballenstedt

First Name Siegfried
Last Name Ballenstedt
Born on November 30, 1074
Died on March 9, 1113 (aged 38)

Siegfried I of Ballenstedt, was the son of Adalbert II of Ballenstedt, and a member of the House of Ascania. He was count palatine of the Rhineland (r.1095/7-1113), and count of Weimar-Orlamünde (r.1112-1113).

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Esico of Ballenstedt

First Name Esico
Born on November 30, 0994
Died on November 30, 1058 (aged 64)

Esico of Ballenstedt is the progenitor of the House of Ascania,. Esico was the count of Ballenstedt, and his possessions became the nucleus of the later Principality of Anhalt.

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Hazecha von Ballenstedt

First Name Hazecha
Born on November 30, 1001
Died on November 30, 1049 (aged 48)

Hacheza of Ballenstedt was a member of the House of Ascania, and the third abbess of Gernrode (r.1044-1063).

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Adalbert von Ballenstedt

First Name Adalbert
Last Name Ballenstedt
Born on November 30, 0969
Died on November 30, 1004 (aged 35)

Adalbert von Ballenstedt c. 970,, was Count of Ballenstedt, Vogt of the Nienburg Abbey, and the provost of Hagenrode. He is the earliest known ancestor of the House of Ascania.

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