List of Famous people with last name Ballan

Fahd Ballan

First Name Fahd
Last Name Ballan
Born on March 22, 1933
Died on December 24, 1997 (aged 64)

Fahd Ballan was a popular Syrian Druze singer and actor. Like most of his generation of artists who started their show business careers in the early sixties he was exposed to a world of influences of those decades of music glory. His voice and looks made him a symbol of masculinity and won him many acting roles in his youth.

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Alessandro Ballan

First Name Alessandro
Last Name Ballan
Born on November 6, 1979 (age 44)
Born in Italy, Veneto
Height 190 cm | 6'3

Alessandro Ballan is an Italian former professional road bicycle racer who most recently rode for UCI World Tour team BMC Racing Team. He is best known for winning the World Road Race Championships, in 2008. Although he possessed a frame that was usually more associated with climbing, Ballan established himself as a leading spring classics contender. His nickname, Bontempino, is a diminutive reference to Guido Bontempi, to whom he bears a resemblance.

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