List of Famous people with last name Balbirnie

Robert Balfour, 6th of Balbirnie

First Name Robert
Last Name Balbirnie
Born on May 3, 1772
Died on October 31, 1837 (aged 65)

Lieutenant-General Robert Balfour of Balbirnie was a son of John Balfour of Balbirnie and Mary Gordon, daughter of James Gordon of Ellon. He was an officer in the 2nd Dragoons and the Fife Light Horse. His younger brother James was a Member of Parliament and grandfather of Arthur Balfour, Prime Minister of the United Kingdom from 1903 to 1905.

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John Balfour, 7th of Balbirnie

First Name John
Last Name Balbirnie
Born on January 1, 1811
Died on January 1, 1895 (aged 84)
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John Balfour, 5th of Balbirnie

First Name John
Last Name Balbirnie
Born on January 1, 1738
Died on January 1, 1833 (aged 95)
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Edward Balfour, 8th of Balbirnie

First Name Edward
Last Name Balbirnie
Born on January 1, 1849
Died on January 1, 1927 (aged 78)
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Robert Balfour, 4th of Balbirnie

First Name Robert
Last Name Balbirnie
Born on January 1, 1698
Died on January 1, 1767 (aged 69)
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Robert Balfour, 2nd of Balbirnie

First Name Robert
Last Name Balbirnie
Born on January 1, 1641
Died on January 1, 1713 (aged 72)
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George Balfour, 1st of Balbirnie

First Name George
Last Name Balbirnie
Died on January 1, 1665
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George Balfour, 3rd of Balbirnie

First Name George
Last Name Balbirnie
Born on January 1, 1664
Died on January 1, 1743 (aged 79)
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