List of Famous people with last name Baggot

King Baggot

First Name King
Last Name Baggot
Born on November 7, 1879
Died on July 11, 1948 (aged 68)

William King Baggot was an American actor, film director and screenwriter. He was an internationally famous movie star of the silent film era. The first individually publicized leading man in America, Baggot was referred to as "King of the Movies," "The Most Photographed Man in the World" and "The Man Whose Face Is As Familiar As The Man In The Moon."

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King Baggot

First Name King
Last Name Baggot
Born on August 15, 1943 (age 81)

Stephen King Baggot, A.S.C. is an American cinematographer. Baggot is a member of the American Society of Cinematographers. He is the grandson of actor/director of the early 20th century, King Baggot.

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