List of Famous people with last name Badazz

Boosie Badazz

First Name Boosie
Born on November 14, 1982 (age 41)

Torrence Hatch, better known by his stage name Boosie Badazz or simply Boosie, is an American rapper, singer, songwriter, and actor from Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Hatch began rapping in the 1990s as a member of the hip hop collective Concentration Camp, eventually pursuing a solo career in 2000 with the release of his debut album Youngest of da Camp. After leaving the label the following year, he signed with Pimp C's Trill Entertainment to release his second studio album, For My Thugz. One of the most prominent figures of Southern hip hop, Hatch has gone on to release seven solo studio albums, as well as six collaborative albums and 42 mixtapes.

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