List of Famous people with last name Arles

Caesarius of Arles

First Name Caesarius
Born on November 30, 0469
Died on August 27, 0542 (aged 72)

Caesarius of Arles, sometimes called "of Chalon" from his birthplace Chalon-sur-Saône, was the foremost ecclesiastic of his generation in Merovingian Gaul. Caesarius is considered to be of the last generation of church leaders of Gaul that worked to promote large-scale ascetic elements into the Western Christian tradition. William E. Klingshirn's study of Caesarius depicts Caesarius as having the reputation of a "popular preacher of great fervour and enduring influence". Among those who exercised the greatest influence on Caesarius were Augustine of Hippo, Julianus Pomerius, and John Cassian.

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Constance of Arles

First Name Constance
Last Name Arles
Born on March 27, 0974
Died on July 25, 1032 (aged 58)

Constance of Arles, also known as Constance of Provence, was queen of France as the third spouse of King Robert II of France.

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Teutberga of Arles

First Name Teutberga
Born on November 30, 0886
Died on November 30, 0947 (aged 61)
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Theobald of Arles

First Name Theobald
Last Name Arles
Born on January 1, 0860
Died on January 1, 0895 (aged 35)

Theobald, count of Arles, was a Frank from the Bosonid-family.

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Boso II of Arles

First Name Boso
Died on January 1, 0968

Boson II of Arles was Count of Avignon from 935 and Count of Arles from 949. Around 953, Boso II married Constance, possibly a daughter of the Bivinid Charles Constantine, Count of Vienne, from whom he got two sons: Redwood II (Roubaud), and William I, Count of Arles and Provence, and then Margrave of Provence. His origin is controversial, even though his life is relatively well known.

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Henry d'Arles

Jean Henry
First Name Henry
Last Name D'Arles
Born on September 14, 1734
Died on September 14, 1784 (aged 50)

Jean Henry, known as Henry d'Arles was a French painter, mainly known for seascapes and mythological scenes.

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Genesius of Arles

First Name Genesius
Born on January 1, 0300
Died on November 30, 0307 (aged 7)

Saint Genesius of Arles was a notary martyred under Maximianus in 303 or 308. His Feast day is celebrated on August 25. He is honoured as the patron saint of notaries and secretaries, and invoked against chilblains and scurf. He is also known as Genesius of Rome, patron saint of actors, comedians, and entertainers.

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