List of Famous people with last name Al-khattab

Umar ibn Al-Khattāb

First Name Umar
Last Name Al-Khattāb
Born on January 1, 0585
Died on November 3, 0644 (aged 59)

Omar (, also spelled Umar ; Arabic: عمر بن الخطاب‎ ʿUmar ibn al-Khaṭṭāb [ˈʕomɑr-, ˈʕʊmɑr ɪbn alxɑtˤˈtˤɑːb], "Umar, Son of Al-Khattab"; c. 584 CE – 3 November 644 CE), was one of the most powerful and influential Muslim caliphs in history. He was a senior companion of the Islamic prophet Muhammad. He succeeded Abu Bakr (632–634) as the second caliph of the Rashidun Caliphate on 23 August 634. He was an expert Muslim jurist known for his pious and just nature, which earned him the epithet Al-Farooq. He is sometimes referred to as Omar I by historians of early Islam, since a later Umayyad caliph, Umar II, also bore that name.

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Ibn al-Khattab

First Name Ibn
Born on April 14, 1969
Died on March 20, 2002 (aged 32)

Samir Saleh Abdullah, more commonly known as Ibn al-Khattab or Emir Khattab, was a Saudi born mujahid who participated in the First Chechen War and the Second Chechen War.

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Zayd ibn al-Khattab

First Name Zayd
Last Name Al-Khattab
Died on January 1, 0632
Born in Saudi Arabia

Zayd ibn al-Khaṭṭāb was a companion of the Islamic prophet Muḥammad and a brother of Umar the second Caliph.

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