List of Famous people with last name Akhiezer

Aleksandr Akhiezer

First Name Aleksandr
Born on October 18, 1911
Died on May 4, 2000 (aged 88)

Aleksandr Ilyich Akhiezer was a Soviet and Ukrainian theoretical physicist, known for contributions to numerous branches of theoretical physics, including quantum electrodynamics, nuclear physics, solid state physics, quantum field theory, and the theory of plasma. He was the brother of the mathematician Naum Akhiezer.

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Naum Akhiezer

First Name Naum
Last Name Akhiezer
Born on March 6, 1901
Died on June 3, 1980 (aged 79)

Naum Ilyich Akhiezer was a Soviet and Ukrainian mathematician of Jewish origin, known for his works in approximation theory and the theory of differential and integral operators. He is also known as the author of classical books on various subjects in analysis, and for his work on the history of mathematics. He is the brother of the theoretical physicist Aleksander Akhiezer.

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