List of Famous people born in Strumica Municipality, North Macedonia

Goran Pandev

Goran Pandev is a Macedonian professional footballer who plays as a forward for Italian club Genoa. He is the captain of the North Macedonia national football team, and is the country's all-time top scorer with 36 goals.

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Zoran Zaev

First Name Zoran
Born on October 8, 1974 (age 49)

Zoran Zaev is a Macedonian economist and politician who is serving as the Prime Minister of North Macedonia since 30 August 2020, a position he previously held from 31 May 2017 to 3 January 2020.

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Vasil Garvanliev

First Name Vasil
Last Name Garvanliev
Born on November 2, 1984 (age 39)

Vasil Garvanliev, is a Macedonian child prodigy star, choir soloist, a classical opera singer and a pop singer. He is also known mononymously as Vasil. He was due to represent North Macedonia with the song "You" in the Eurovision Song Contest 2020 in Rotterdam before the event was cancelled. On 20 January 2021 it was announced that Vasil would represent North Macedonia in the 2021 contest, this time with the song "Here I Stand".

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Veljko Paunović

Veljko Paunović is a Serbian football manager and former player, who is currently the manager of EFL Championship club Reading.

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Goran Popov

Goran Popov is a retired Macedonian footballer, who played as a defender for Macedonian side Vardar and the Macedonia national team.

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