List of Famous people born in Saint Paul Parish, Antigua and Barbuda

Curtly Ambrose

First Name Curtly
Born on September 21, 1963 (age 60)
Height 201 cm | 6'7

Sir Curtly Elconn Lynwall Ambrose, KCN is a former cricketer from Antigua who played 98 Test matches for the West Indies. Widely acknowledged as one of the greatest fast bowlers of all time, he took 405 Test wickets at an average of 20.99 and topped the ICC Player Rankings for much of his career to be rated the best bowler in the world. His great height—he is 6 feet 8 inches (2.03 m) tall—allowed him to make the ball bounce unusually high after he delivered it; allied to his pace and accuracy, it made him a very difficult bowler for batsmen to face. A man of few words during his career, he was notoriously reluctant to speak to journalists. He was chosen as one of the Wisden Cricketers of the Year in 1992; after he retired he was entered into the International Cricket Council Hall of Fame and selected as one of West Indies all-time XI by a panel of experts.

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