List of Famous people born in Paktia, Afghanistan

Jalaluddin Haqqani

First Name Jalaluddin
Born on November 30, 1938
Died on September 3, 2018 (aged 79)
Born in Afghanistan

Mawlawi Jalaluddin Haqqani was an Afghan leader of the Haqqani network, an insurgent group fighting in guerilla warfare against US-led NATO forces, and the present government of Afghanistan they support. He distinguished himself as an internationally sponsored insurgent fighter in the 1980s during the Soviet–Afghan War, including Operation Magistral. He earned U.S. praise and was called "goodness personified" by the U.S. officials. US officials have admitted that during the Soviet-Afghan war he was a prized asset of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Former U.S. president Ronald Reagan called Jalaluddin Haqqani a "freedom fighter" during the Soviet-Afghan war. By 2004, he was directing pro-Taliban militants to launch a holy war in Afghanistan. In 2016, Lieutenant General John W. Nicholson Jr. claimed that the U.S. and NATO were not targeting Haqqani's network in Afghanistan.

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Munir Mangal

First Name Munir
Last Name Mangal
Born on January 1, 1950
Died on May 2, 2020 (aged 70)
Born in Afghanistan

Munir Mohamad Mangal was an Afghan general whose professional military career spanned more than 40 years. Mangal served in high-level military and government positions, most latterly as the Commander of the Afghan National Police, before his retirement in 2016.

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