List of Famous people born in Mjini Magharibi Region, Tanzania

Freddie Mercury

Farrokh Bulsara
First Name Freddie
Born on September 5, 1946
Died on November 24, 1991 (aged 45)
Height 175 cm | 5'9

Freddie Mercury was a British singer, songwriter, record producer, and lead vocalist of the rock band Queen. Regarded as one of the greatest singers in the history of rock music, he was known for his flamboyant stage persona and four-octave vocal range. Mercury defied the conventions of a rock frontman, with his highly theatrical style influencing the artistic direction of Queen.

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Emily Ruete

First Name Emily
Died on February 29, 1924

Emily Ruete was born in Zanzibar as Salama bint Said, also called Sayyida Salme, a Princess of Zanzibar and Oman. She was the youngest of the 36 children of Sayyid Said bin Sultan Al-Busaid, Sultan of Zanzibar and Oman. She is the author of Memoirs of an Arabian Princess from Zanzibar.

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Majid bin Said of Zanzibar

First Name Majid
Last Name Zanzibar
Born on January 1, 1834
Died on October 7, 1870 (aged 36)

Sayyid Majid bin Said Al-Busaid was the first Sultan of Zanzibar. He ruled Zanzibar from 19 October 1856 to 7 October 1870.

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