List of Famous people born in Kassala, Sudan

Dua Saleh

First Name Dua
Last Name Saleh
Born in Sudan, Kassala

Dua Saleh is a Sudanese-American recording artist, songwriter, poet, and actor based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Their debut EP Nūr was released in January 2019 by the Against Giants record label to critical acclaim, with their second, Rosetta, released in June the following year.

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Hasan al-Turabi

First Name Hasan
Last Name Al-Turabi
Born on January 1, 1932
Died on March 5, 2016 (aged 84)
Born in Sudan, Kassala

Hassan 'Abd Allah al Turabi was a Sudanese Islamist politician who was considered "the true architect" of 1989 coup that brought Omar Al-Bashir to power. He has been called "one of the most influential figures in modern Sudanese politics", and a "longtime hard-line ideological leader". He was instrumental in institutionalizing sharia in the northern part of the country and was frequently imprisoned in Sudan, but these "periods of detention" were "interspersed with periods of high political office".

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