List of Famous people born in Kalmar, Sweden

Ivar Kreuger

First Name Ivar
Last Name Kreuger
Born on March 2, 1880
Died on March 12, 1932 (aged 52)

Ivar Kreuger was a Swedish civil engineer, financier, entrepreneur and industrialist. In 1908, he co-founded the construction company Kreuger & Toll Byggnads AB, which specialized in new building techniques. By aggressive investments and innovative financial instruments, he built a global match and financial empire. Between the two world wars, he negotiated match monopolies with European, Central American and South American governments, and finally controlled between two thirds and three quarters of worldwide match production, becoming known as the "Match King".

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Tor Johnson

First Name Tor
Last Name Johnson
Born on October 19, 1903
Died on May 12, 1971 (aged 67)

Karl Erik Tore Johansson, better known by the stage name Tor Johnson, was a Swedish professional wrestler and actor. As an actor, Johnson appeared in many B-movies, including some famously directed by Ed Wood. In professional wrestling, Johnson was billed as Tor Johnson and Super Swedish Angel.

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Waldemar Lindgren

First Name Waldemar
Born on February 14, 1860
Died on November 3, 1939 (aged 79)

Waldemar Lindgren was a Swedish-American geologist. Lindgren was one of the founders of modern economic geology.

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Virginia Eriksdotter

First Name Virginia
Last Name Eriksdotter
Born on January 1, 1559
Died on January 1, 1633 (aged 74)

Virginia Eriksdotter was a Swedish noble. She was the recognized illegitimate daughter of King Erik XIV of Sweden and his official royal mistress Agda Persdotter.

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Carl Wahlbom

Johann Wilhelm Carl Wahlbom
First Name Carl
Last Name Wahlbom
Born on October 16, 1810
Died on April 21, 1858 (aged 47)

Johan Wilhelm Carl Wahlbom was a Swedish painter, illustrator and sculptor.

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Amanda Ooms

First Name Amanda
Last Name Ooms
Born on September 5, 1964 (age 59)

Amanda Francisca Ooms is a Dutch-Swedish actress and writer. She has acted in both film and TV in Sweden and internationally. She was born in Kalmar. Ooms participates in season 10 of Stjärnorna på slottet which was broadcast on SVT.

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Bo Johansson

First Name Bo
Last Name Johansson
Born on November 28, 1942 (age 81)

Bo "Bosse" Johansson is a Swedish former football player and current football coach.

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Carl Gustaf Mosander

First Name Carl
Last Name Mosander
Born on September 10, 1797
Died on October 15, 1858 (aged 61)

Carl Gustaf Mosander was a Swedish chemist. He discovered the rare earth elements lanthanum, erbium and terbium.

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Oscar von Sydow

Oscar Fredrik von Sydow
First Name Oscar
Last Name Sydow
Born on July 12, 1873
Died on August 19, 1936 (aged 63)

Oscar Fredrik von Sydow was a Swedish politician who served briefly as Prime Minister of Sweden from 23 February to 13 October 1921.

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