List of Famous people born in Janesville, United States of America

Paul Ryan

First Name Paul
Last Name Ryan
Born on January 29, 1970 (age 54)
Height 185 cm | 6'1

Paul Davis Ryan is a retired American politician who served as the 54th speaker of the United States House of Representatives from October 2015 to January 2019. He was also the 2012 vice presidential nominee of the Republican Party, running unsuccessfully alongside Mitt Romney.

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Dan Arnold

Dan Arnold is an American football tight end for the Arizona Cardinals of the National Football League (NFL). He played college football and track at University of Wisconsin-Platteville.

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Harold P. Brown

First Name Harold
Last Name Brown
Born on August 27, 1869
Died on July 26, 1932 (aged 62)

Harold Pitney Brown was an American electrical engineer and inventor known for his activism in the late 1880s against the use of alternating current for electric lighting in New York City and around the country.

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Tucker Fredricks

First Name Tucker
Last Name Fredricks
Born on April 16, 1984 (age 40)

Tucker Fredricks is an American speed skater and the US record holder in the 500 meter event. He competed at the 2006, 2010, and 2014 Winter Olympics.

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Mistie Mims

First Name Mistie
Born on December 2, 1983 (age 40)
Height 191 cm | 6'3

Mistie McCray Bass is an American professional women's basketball player who is currently a free agent.

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Russ Feingold

First Name Russ
Last Name Feingold
Born on March 2, 1953 (age 71)

Russell Dana Feingold is an American lawyer and politician who served as a United States Senator from Wisconsin from 1993 to 2011. A member of the Democratic Party, he was its nominee in the 2016 election for the same U.S. Senate seat he had previously occupied. From 1983 to 1993, he was a Wisconsin State Senator representing the 27th District.

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John Henry Comstock

First Name John
Last Name Comstock
Born on February 24, 1849
Died on March 20, 1931 (aged 82)

John Henry Comstock was an eminent researcher in entomology and arachnology and a leading educator. His work provided the basis for classification of butterflies, moths, and scale insects.

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