List of Famous people born in Colchester, United Kingdom

Darren Day

First Name Darren
Last Name Day
Born on July 17, 1968 (age 56)

Darren Day is an English actor, singer and television presenter, well known for his West End theatre starring roles.

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Ali Carter

First Name Ali
Last Name Carter
Born on July 25, 1979 (age 45)

Allister Carter is an English professional snooker player. He has twice been the World Championship runner-up, in 2008 and 2012, losing both finals to Ronnie O'Sullivan. He has won four ranking titles and briefly reached number two in the world rankings in 2010. His nickname, "The Captain", comes from his hobby of piloting aeroplanes.

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Roger Penrose

First Name Roger
Last Name Penrose
Born on August 8, 1931 (age 93)

Sir Roger Penrose is an English mathematical physicist, mathematician, philosopher of science and Nobel Laureate in Physics. He is Emeritus Rouse Ball Professor of Mathematics at the University of Oxford, an emeritus fellow of Wadham College, Oxford and an honorary fellow of St John's College, Cambridge and University College London.

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Dermot O'Leary

First Name Dermot
Born on May 24, 1973 (age 51)
Height 171 cm | 5'7

Sean Dermot Fintan O'Leary Jr. is an English television presenter and radio DJ who currently works for ITV and BBC Radio 2. His radio career began when he worked as a disc jockey at Essex Radio, but he is best known for being the presenter of The X Factor on ITV, a position he has held every year since 2007 with the exception of 2015, during which he stepped down to pursue other ventures.

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Ben Foakes

First Name Ben
Last Name Foakes
Born on February 15, 1993 (age 31)

Benjamin Thomas Foakes is an English cricketer. Foakes is a right-handed batsman who fields as a wicket-keeper. He made his international debut for the England cricket team in November 2018.

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Benjamin Lay

First Name Benjamin
Last Name Lay
Died on February 3, 1759

Benjamin Lay was an Anglo-American Quaker humanitarian and abolitionist. He is best known for his early and strident anti-slavery activities which would culminate in dramatic protests. He was also an author, farmer, an early vegetarian, and distinguished by his early concern for the ethical treatment of animals.

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Beth Rigby

First Name Beth
Last Name Rigby
Born on January 1, 1976 (age 48)

Elizabeth Frances Rigby is a British journalist. She has worked for Sky News since 2016 and became their political editor on 12 April 2019. Rigby has previously worked as a newspaper journalist for the Financial Times and The Times.

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Andy de la Tour

First Name Andy
Last Name Tour
Born on November 30, 1947 (age 76)

Andy de la Tour is an English actor and screenwriter.

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Chris Morris

First Name Chris
Last Name Morris

Christopher J Morris is an English comedian, writer, director, actor and producer. He is known for his dark humour, surrealism, and controversial subject matter. He has been praised for his "uncompromising, moralistic drive" by the British Film Institute.

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Crispin Bonham-Carter

First Name Crispin
Last Name Bonham-Carter
Born on September 23, 1969 (age 55)

Crispin Daniel Bonham-Carter is an English actor, theatre director, and educator. He was appointed Assistant Head at the Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet, in 2019. His best known acting role is that of Mr. Bingley in the 1995 television miniseries Pride and Prejudice. His work directing young actors at LAMDA, the Guildhall and the Royal Central School of Speech and Drama and working at the National Youth Theatre inspired him to train as a teacher. He is a member of the Bonham Carter family.

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