List of Famous people born in British Virgin Islands, United Kingdom


Keidran Jones, better known by his stage name Iyaz, is a British singer, songwriter, dancer and entrepreneur, signed with the record label Beluga Heights Records. He is known for his singles "Replay", "Solo" and "Pretty Girls". He released his debut album Replay in 2010.

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Orlando Smith

First Name Orlando
Last Name Smith
Born on August 28, 1944 (age 80)

Daniel Orlando Smith, OBE is the former Premier of the British Virgin Islands. He also formerly served as Chief Minister of the British Virgin Islands from 2003 to 2007. He first won the office when his National Democratic Party won the 2003 general election, being the party's first victory at a general election in its history.

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William Thornton

First Name William
Last Name Thornton
Born on May 20, 1759
Died on March 28, 1828 (aged 68)

Dr. William Thornton was a British-American physician, inventor, painter and architect who designed the United States Capitol. He also served as the first Architect of the Capitol and first Superintendent of the United States Patent Office.

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