List of Famous people born in Atlantique Department, Benin

Angélique Kidjo

First Name Angélique
Last Name Kidjo
Born on July 14, 1960 (age 64)

Angélique Kpasseloko Hinto Hounsinou Kandjo Manta Zogbin Kidjo, known as Angélique Kidjo, is a Beninese singer-songwriter, actress, and activist who is noted for her diverse musical influences and creative music videos. In 2007, Time magazine called her "Africa's premier diva".

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Patrice Talon

First Name Patrice
Born on May 1, 1958 (age 66)

Patrice Guillaume Athanase Talon is a Beninese politician and businessman who has been President of Benin since 6 April 2016.

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