List of Famous people named Waltheof

Here are some famous Waltheofs:

Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria

First Name Waltheof,
Died on May 31, 1076

Waltheof, Earl of Northumbria was the last of the Anglo-Saxon earls and the only English aristocrat to be executed during the reign of William I.

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Waltheof of Melrose

First Name Waltheof
Born on November 30, 1094
Died on August 3, 1159 (aged 64)

Waltheof was a 12th-century English abbot and saint. He was the son of Simon I of St Liz, 1st Earl of Northampton and Maud, 2nd Countess of Huntingdon, thus stepson to David I of Scotland, and the grandson of Waltheof, Earl of Northampton.

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