List of Famous people named Vonones

Here are some famous Vononeses:

Vonones II of Parthia

First Name Vonones
Died on January 1, 0051

Vonones II was a Parthian prince who ruled as king of Media Atropatene and briefly as king of the Parthian Empire.

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Vonones I of Parthia

First Name Vonones
Born on November 30, -0101
Died on January 1, 0019 (aged 120)

Vonones I was an Arsacid prince, who ruled as King of Kings of Parthian Empire from 8 to 12, and then subsequently as king of Armenia from 12 to 18. He was the eldest son of Phraates IV and was sent to Rome as a hostage in 10/9 BC in order to prevent conflict over the succession of Phraates IV's youngest son, Phraataces.

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