List of Famous people named Venya

Similar names: Vinnie, Vinny, Vin, Veena, Vina, Vinoo, Vinaya, Venny, Vinay. Here are some famous Venyas:

Venya Drkin

Александр Михайлович Литвинов
First Name Venya
Born on June 11, 1970
Died on August 21, 1999 (aged 29)

Venya D'rkin, real name – Alexander Litvinov, was a Russian language bard, poet, artist, painter and writer of fairy tales. He wrote over three hundred songs. As usual in the bard genre, the songs bear deep and imaginative lyrics, but, less commonly, are also very melodic. During the late 1990s, he performed some of his songs with accompaniment of other musicians, notably violinist Veronica Belyayeva.

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