List of Famous people named Vardanes

Here are some famous Vardaneses:

Vardanes I of Parthia

First Name Vardanes
Died on November 30, 0046

Vardanes I was a king of the Parthian Empire from 40 to 46 AD. He was the heir apparent of his father Artabanus II, but had to continually fight against his brother Gotarzes II, a rival claimant to the throne. Vardanes' short reign ended when he was assassinated while hunting at the instigation of a party of Parthian nobles.

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Vardanes II of Parthia

First Name Vardanes
Died on January 1, 0058

Vardanes II was the son of Vologases I and briefly ruler of parts of the Parthian Empire. In ancient records he only appears in Tacitus. Otherwise he is only known from coins that are dated between 55 to 58 CE. He rebelled against his father from about 55 to 58 CE and must have occupied Ecbatana, since he issued coins from the mint there, bearing the likeness of a young beardless king wearing a diadem with five pendants. Nothing more about him is known.

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