List of Famous people named Ulpia

Here are some famous Ulpias:

Ulpia Marciana

First Name Ulpia
Born on January 1, 0048
Died on January 1, 0112 (aged 64)

Ulpia Marciana was the beloved elder sister of Roman Emperor Trajan. She was the eldest child born to Roman woman Marcia and the Roman senator Marcus Ulpius Traianus. Her second name Marciana she inherited from her mother’s paternal ancestors. Her birthplace is unknown.

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Ulpia Severina

First Name Ulpia
Born on November 30, 0199 (age 1824)

Ulpia Severina, also known as Severina, was a Roman Empress, the wife of the emperor Aurelian. There is evidence that she reigned in her own right for some period after Aurelian's death in 275, which would make her the only woman to have ruled over the entire classical Roman Empire by her own power. Very little is known about her, as there are no literary sources mentioning her existence. Almost everything known about her, including her name, is gathered from coins and inscriptions.

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