List of Famous people named Ukita

Here are some famous Ukitas:

Ukita Hideie

First Name Ukita
Born on November 30, 1571
Died on December 17, 1655 (aged 84)

Ukita Hideie was the daimyō of Bizen and Mimasaka Provinces, and one of the council of Five Elders appointed by Toyotomi Hideyoshi. Son of Ukita Naoie, he married Gōhime, a daughter of Maeda Toshiie. Having fought against Tokugawa Ieyasu in the Battle of Sekigahara he was exiled to the island prison of Hachijō-jima, where he died.

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Ukita Naoie

First Name Ukita
Born on November 30, 1528
Died on February 1, 1582 (aged 53)

Ukita Naoie was a Japanese daimyō of the Sengoku period. He was born in Bizen Province, to Ukita Okiie, a local samurai leader.

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Ukita Tadaie

First Name Ukita
Born on January 1, 1533 (age 491)
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