List of Famous people named Trippie

Similar names: Trip, Tripp. Here are some famous Trippies:

Trippie Redd

Michael Lamar White IV
First Name Trippie
Born on June 18, 1999 (age 25)

Michael Lamar White IV, known professionally as Trippie Redd, is an American rapper, singer, and songwriter. His debut mixtape A Love Letter to You (2017) and its lead single "Love Scars" propelled him to popularity. Trippie Redd's singles "Dark Knight Dummo", featuring Travis Scott, "Taking a Walk", and "Topanga", all reached the Billboard Hot 100. His debut studio album Life's a Trip (2018) and second album ! (2019) both reached the top five of the Billboard 200, while his fourth mixtape A Love Letter to You 4 (2019) topped the chart. Most recently, his third studio album Pegasus (2020) reached number two of the Billboard 200.

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