List of Famous people named Theudebert

Here are some famous Theudeberts:

Theudebert I

First Name Theudebert
Died on November 30, 0547

Theudebert I was the Merovingian king of Austrasia from 533 to his death in 548. He was the son of Theuderic I and the father of Theudebald.

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Theudebert II

First Name Theudebert
Born on November 30, 0584
Died on January 1, 0612 (aged 27)

Theudebert II (c.585-612), King of Austrasia, was the son and heir of Childebert II. He received the kingdom of Austrasia plus the cities (civitates) of Poitiers, Tours, Le Puy-en-Velay, Bordeaux, and Châteaudun, as well as the Champagne, the Auvergne, and Transjurane Alemannia.

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