List of Famous people named Tewodros

Here are some famous Tewodroses:

Tewodros II

First Name Tewodros
Born on January 1, 1818
Died on April 13, 1868 (aged 50)

Tewodros II was the Emperor of Ethiopia from 1855 until his death in 1868. He was born Kassa Hailegiorgis. He was described as a 'romantic adventurer', a skillful and dauntless warrior, lion-like and an unselfish visionary. He had grown up fighting Ottoman-Egyptian invaders and was a Robin hood figure; while a bandit or Shifta against the tyrannical Royals, he would steal from the rich and give to the poor. His rule is often placed as the beginning of modern Ethiopia and brought an end to the decentralized Zemene Mesafint.

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Tewodros I

First Name Tewodros
Born on January 1, 1380
Died on January 1, 1414 (aged 34)

Tewodros I was Emperor of Ethiopia (1413–1414) and a member of the House of Solomon. He was the son of Dawit I by Queen Seyon Mangasha.

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