List of Famous people named Terez
Similar names: Teresa, Theresa, Therese, Tereza, Theresia, Tyrese, Terisio, Teresio, Terezia, Tereze, Teresia. Here are some famous Terezs:
Teréz Brunszvik
Countess Therese [von] Brunsvik was a member of the Hungarian nobility, pedagoge and a follower of the Swiss Pestalozzi. Her father was the Hungarian count Antal Brunszvik and her mother was the baroness Anna Seeberg; her siblings were Franz, Josephine, and Charlotte.
Know him/her
Don't know him/her
Terez Katherine de Tuboly
Know him/her
Don't know him/her
See also:
List of Famous people named Teresa
List of Famous people named Theresa
List of Famous people named Therese
List of Famous people named Tereza
List of Famous people named Theresia
List of Famous people named Tyrese
List of Famous people named Terisio
List of Famous people named Teresio
List of Famous people named Terezia
List of Famous people named Tereze
List of Famous people named Teresia