List of Famous people named Teodora

Similar names: Theodor, Theodore, Theodora, Teodor, Teodoro, Theodoor. Here are some famous Teodoras:

Teodora Ruano

First Name Teodora
Born on January 11, 1969 (age 55)

María Teodora Adoracion ("Dori") Ruano Sanchón is a retired female track and road racing cyclist from Spain. She represented her native country at three Summer Olympics: in 1992, 2000, and 2004. Her biggest achievement was winning the world title in the women's points race at the 1998 UCI Track Cycling World Championships.

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Teodóra Uhrik

First Name Teodóra
Born on August 27, 1943 (age 81)
Born in Hungary
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Teodora Alonzo

First Name Teodora
Born on November 9, 1827
Died on August 16, 1911 (aged 83)

Teodora Alonso Realonda y Quintos was a wealthy woman in the Spanish colonial Philippines. She was best known as the mother of the Philippines’ national hero Jose Rizal. Realonda was born in Santa Cruz, Manila. She was also known for being a disciplinarian and hard-working mother. Her medical condition inspired Rizal to take up medicine.

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Teodora Matejko

First Name Teodora
Born on January 1, 1846
Died on August 25, 1896 (aged 50)

Teodora Matejko (Matejkowa) née Giebułtowska (1846 – 25 August 1896, was the wife of Poland's national painter Jan Matejko; daughter of Antoni Giebułtowski and Paulina Sikorska. For many years, Teodora served as the live model for her husband's portrayals of notable women from Polish history.

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Theodora II of Tusculum

First Name Theodora
Last Name Tusculum
Born on January 1, 0897
Died on January 1, 0950 (aged 53)
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Teodora Poštič

First Name Teodora
Born on September 25, 1984 (age 40)

Teodora Poštič is a Slovenian former figure skater. She is a four-time (2006–09) Slovenian national champion and reached the free skate at four ISU Championships – three Europeans and one Junior Worlds. By placing fifth at the 2009 Nebelhorn Trophy, she qualified a spot for Slovenia in the ladies' figure skating event at the 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver. She placed 27th at the Olympics.

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