List of Famous people named Tello

Similar names: Till, Tilly, Thilo, Tilo, Teala, Til, Tila, Tillie, Telly, Teal, Tyll, Tilli, Tilla. Here are some famous Tellos:

Tello de Castilla, Lord of Aguilar de Campoo

First Name Tello
Last Name Campoo
Born on May 31, 1337
Died on October 15, 1370 (aged 33)
Born in Spain, Extremadura

Tello Alfonso of Castile was the seventh of the ten illegitimate children of Alfonso XI of Castile and Eleanor of Guzman. He was a prince of Castile and First Lord of Aguilar de Campoo. In Spanish he is known as Tello de Castilla, Infante de Castilla; Señor de Aguilar de Campoo, de Vizcaya, de Castañeda y de Lara.

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