List of Famous people named Tarabya

Here are some famous Tarabyas:

Tarabya of Ava

First Name Tarabya
Born on December 22, 1368
Died on November 25, 1400 (aged 31)

Tarabya was king of Ava for about seven months in 1400. He was the heir apparent from 1385 to 1400 during his father King Swa Saw Ke's reign. He was a senior commander in Ava's first three campaigns (1385−91) against Hanthawaddy Pegu in the Forty Years' War. He was assassinated seven months into his rule by his one-time tutor, Gov. Thihapate of Tagaung. The court executed the usurper, and gave the throne to Tarabya's half-brother Min Swe.

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