List of Famous people named Talesa

Similar names: Talisa, Thales, Tallis. Here are some famous Talesas:

Talesa of Aragon

First Name Talesa
Born on January 1, 1100
Died on November 30, 1135 (aged 35)

Talesa, Talèse, Talèze, or Ataresa was an Aragonese noblewoman and regent. She was the daughter of Sancho Ramírez, Count of Ribagorza, natural brother of King Sancho Ramírez of Aragon and Navarre, and member of the royal Jiménez dynasty. She married Gaston IV of Béarn and acted as regent of the viscounty of Béarn during his absences on Crusade in 1096-1101, and after his death for their son in 1131-1134 and her grandson until at least 1136.

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