List of Famous people named Stracimir

Here are some famous Stracimirs:

Stracimir Balšić

First Name Stracimir
Born on November 30, 1300
Died on January 1, 1373 (aged 72)

Stracimir Balšić was a Lord of Zeta, alongside his two brothers Đurađ I and Balša II, in ca. 1362–1372. The Balšić family took over Zeta, by 1362, during the fall of the Serbian Empire. Stracimir took monastic vows and died in 1373. He left three sons, one of whom later became the Lord of Zeta.

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Stracimir Zavidović

First Name Stracimir
Died on December 25, 1189

Stracimir Zavidović was a 12th-century Serbian prince (Župan) of West Morava, an administrative division (appanage) of the Grand Principality of Serbia, from 1163–1166.

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