List of Famous people named Sien

Similar names: Sean, Sienna, Zeno, Zena, Zeena, Siena, Seina, Sen, Zen, Zenna, Seena, Sina, Seann, Sein, Seana, Saena, Senne, Zienia, Seyni, Sinah. Here are some famous Siens:

Sien Hoornik

First Name Sien
Last Name Hoornik
Born on November 30, 1849
Died on January 1, 1904 (aged 54)

Vincent van Gogh drew and painted a series of works of his mistress Sien during their time together in the Netherlands. In particular, his drawing Sorrow is widely acknowledged as a masterwork of draftsmanship, the culmination of a long and sometimes uncertain apprenticeship in learning his craft.

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