List of Famous people named Sandra-maria

Here are some famous Sandra-marias:

Sandra-Maria Jensen

First Name Sandra-Maria
Born on April 5, 1994 (age 30)

Sandra-Maria Jensen is a Danish badminton player. Born in Bulgaria, Jensen and her family moved to Denmark when she was four. At the age of fifteen, she was selected to join national U-19 team to compete at the 2009 World Junior Championships as the younger player in the squad. She won the bronze medal at the 2010 World Junior Championships in the girls' doubles event partnered with Line Kjærsfeldt, and at the European Junior Championships, she helps the team won a bronze in 2011 and a gold in 2013, also settled a bronze medal in the girls' doubles event in 2011. Jensen joined the national elite squad that won the European Women's Team Championships in 2014 and European Mixed Team Championships in 2015.

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