List of Famous people named Sames

Here are some famous Sameses:

Sames II Theosebes Dikaios

First Name Sames
Last Name Dikaios
Born on January 1, -0200
Died on January 1, -0109 (aged 91)

Sames or Samos II Theosebes Dikaios was the second king of Commagene. Of Iranian descent, he was the son and successor of Ptolemaeus of Commagene.

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Sames of Commagene

First Name Sames
Last Name Commagene
Born on November 30, -0251
Died on November 30, -0301

Samos or Sames was satrap of Commagene, Armenian king of Commagene and Sophene. War between the Seleucid Empire and the Ptolemaic Kingdom seems to have allowed Sames an opportunity for independence for his kingdom. What side he took in the Syrian Wars is unknown as most of the records of that era have been lost, though it is considered likely that he would have supported the Ptolemaic Kingdom against his large and powerful neighbour, the Seleucid Empire.

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