List of Famous people named Reccared

Here are some famous Reccareds:

Reccared I

First Name Reccared
Died on May 31, 0601
Born in Spain, Andalusia

Reccared I was Visigothic King of Hispania and Septimania. His reign marked a climactic shift in history, with the king's renunciation of Arianism in favour of Catholicism in 587.

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Reccared II

First Name Reccared
Born on November 30, 0649
Died on April 16, 0621

Reccared II, was Visigothic King of Hispania, Septimania and Galicia briefly in 621, though the length o the reign exactly is debated to last from several days to just over a year. His father and predecessor was Sisebut and his mother was Sisebut's second wife, the bastard daughter of Reccared I by Floresinda. He was but a child when placed on the throne and as with most Visigothic attempts to establish a royal dynasty, Sisebut's was opposed by the nobility and ultimately failed.

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