List of Famous people named Raffaella

Name Raffaella is among the most common names in Italy. Similar names: Rafael, Raphael, Raffaele, Raffaello, Rafaela, Raphaelle, Rafel, Raphaela, Rafella. Here are some famous Raffaellas:

Raffaella Carrà

Raffaella Maria Roberta Pelloni
First Name Raffaella
Born on June 18, 1943
Died on July 5, 2021 (aged 78)

Raffaella Maria Roberta Pelloni, better known as Raffaella Carrà, is an Italian singer, dancer, television presenter, and actress. She is a popular figure in Europe and Latin America, both as a result of her many well-known taped presentations and records, and because of her many popular TV shows. Carrà is widely regarded as a gay icon.

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Raffaella Fico

First Name Raffaella
Born on January 29, 1988 (age 37)
Born in Italy, Campania
Height 176 cm | 5'9

Raffaella Fico is an Italian showgirl, singer and model.

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Raffaella De Laurentiis

First Name Raffaella
Born on June 28, 1954 (age 70)
Born in Italy, Lazio

Raffaella De Laurentiis is an Italian film producer. Films that she has produced include Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Dune, Prancer, Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story, all films in the Dragonheart series, The Forbidden Kingdom and Kull the Conqueror.

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Raffaella Baracchi

First Name Raffaella
Born on March 25, 1964 (age 60)
Born in Italy, Piedmont
Height 173 cm | 5'8

Raffaella Baracchi is a retired Italian actress and 1983 Miss Italia.

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