List of Famous people named Radelchis

Here are some famous Radelchises:

Radelchis I of Benevento

First Name Radelchis
Born on November 30, 0849
Died on January 1, 0851 (aged 1)

Radelchis I was the treasurer, then prince of Benevento from 839, when he assumed the throne upon the assassination of Sicard and imprisonment of Sicard's brother, Siconulf, to his death, though in his time the principality was divided.

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Radelchis II of Benevento

First Name Radelchis
Born on January 1, 0801
Died on January 1, 0907 (aged 106)

Radelchis II was the prince of Benevento from 881 to 900 with a long interruption during which the Byzantines and Spoletans vied for the principality. In 884, he was deposed and exiled by his brother Aiulf. In 897, he was restored only to be conquered by his cousin Atenulf I of Capua in January 900. He never ruled again.

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