List of Famous people named Pharnabazos

Here are some famous Pharnabazoses:

Pharnabazus II

First Name Pharnabazus
Born on January 1, -0500
Died on November 30, -0461 (aged 38)

Pharnabazus II was a Persian soldier and statesman, and Satrap of Hellespontine Phrygia. He was the son of Pharnaces II of Phrygia and grandson of Pharnabazus I, and great-grandson of Artabazus I. He and his male ancestors, forming the Pharnacid dynasty, had governed the satrapy of Hellespontine Phrygia from its headquarters at Dascylium since 478 BC. He married Apama, daughter of Artaxerxes II of Persia, and their son Artabazus was likewise a satrap of Phrygia. His grand-daughter Barsine married Alexander the Great.

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Pharnabazos I, Satrap of Phrygia

First Name Pharnabazos
Born on January 1, -0500
Died on January 1, -0500

Pharnabazus, was a member of the Pharnacid dynasty that governed the province of Hellespontine Phrygia as satraps for the Achaemenid Empire.

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