List of Famous people named Pandulf

Here are some famous Pandulfs:

Pandulf IV of Capua

First Name Pandulf
Born on November 30, 0949
Died on January 1, 1050 (aged 100)

Pandulf IV was the Prince of Capua on three separate occasions.

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Pandulf II of Benevento

First Name Pandulf
Born on November 30, 0900
Died on January 1, 1014 (aged 113)

Pandulf II the Old was the prince of Benevento from 981 and prince of Capua from 1008 or 1009 to his death, the son of Landulf III who was co-prince between 959 and 968. Pandulf was first associated as co-prince in 977.

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Pandulf III of Benevento

First Name Pandulf
Born on November 30, 0949
Died on November 30, 1058 (aged 109)

Pandulf III was the prince of Benevento in the Mezzogiorno in medieval Italy, first as co-ruler with his father, Landulf V, and grandfather, Pandulf II, from 1012 or thereabouts to 1014, when the elder Pandulf died. He co-ruled with his father until his death in 1033. Thereafter he was the primary ruler until his abdication in 1059.

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Pandulf VI of Capua

First Name Pandulf
Born on November 30, 1049
Died on January 1, 1057 (aged 7)

Pandulf VI was the successor of Pandulf IV as Prince of Capua from his death in 1050 to his own seven years later. He was the son of Pandulf IV and Maria. He co-ruled with his father in the Duchy of Gaeta as early as 1032–1038.

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